Church of Greater Detroit,
We continue our journey towards our vision of teaching every third grader in Detroit to read in the coming years! We are experiencing lots of incredible momentum as things come together for this fall. We have some great new team members, financing, and kids and mentors signing up. We need more mentors and want as much of the church as possible to be involved in this movement!
A mentor volunteers once a week to spend an hour reading with a kid, typically on their commute home at one of a number of sites located
along major interstates across the city.
Click here to see more information on mentoring a child.
Click here to see more information on on signing up your child for tutoring.
Here’s what most churches who are getting involved are doing:
- First, pastors are showing the video at the bottom of this page, which is specifically designed to help churches recruit mentors, as part of their Sunday morning service (sometimes as part of the sermon instead of announcements).
- Pastors are then encouraging the congregation to join the movement.
- Churches have been distributing this flyer sometimes as part of the bulletin. SOAR Detroit is happy to provide these cards.
- A table is typically set up somewhere where the SOAR team is happy to sign people up and be available for questions.
And we’ll take it from there!
Please call us at, 313.221.9080 or send me an email, [email protected], if there is any way I can serve you as you explore partnering with us!
Matt Mancinelli, CEO
21001 Moross Road Detroit, MI 48236