Stopping Witchspells With Prayer – Do Witchspells Affect A Person?

Written by Jasmine Mitchell

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Stopping Witchspells With Prayer

Are you familiar with the Salem witch trials? The one where they tortured a bunch of people to death, accusing them of witchcraft and sorcery? This was in the late 1600s. Now, we don’t know whether those people practiced witchcraft for real or were they mere allegations. Considering they all belonged to poor families, it’s probably the latter, an elite class of society targeting the poor for no reason. 

However, witchcraft is not totally a myth. There were, and still are, individuals who practice this kind of magic that brings power and trouble alike. They could be targeting anyone, including you and me. So, what would you do if you came to know someone has been practicing sorcery aiming at your damnation? Do you know any spells to counter them?   

What Is Witchcraft?

Witchcraft, as per the definition given in the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is simply the use of sorcery or magic. The dictionary also describes it as rituals and practices that incorporate belief in magic and that are associated especially with neo-pagan traditions and religions. So, essentially, witchcraft is where the witch uses supernatural powers to make things happen as they wish, to control events, and people.

Witch Spells Practice

Witchcraft, in contrast to pure magic, has a negative connotation since the superpowers used are often associated with demons and evil spirits. It is often practiced with the intention of harming others and has been deeply rooted in religious practices of ancient times. Now, that doesn’t mean that it is non-existent in the modern era. It is prevalent, maybe not as much as it was before, but just enough to attract more believers and cause harm.

Witch spells and the craft involve more the merely reciting a set of phrases or words. It involves objects, a combination of them, that will look weird to normal people. Some of the common ingredients that you will notice being a part of a lot of those spells include salt, raw eggs, and basil.

Certain spells also require things like rosemary, chives, nettle, cinnamon, oregano, and a lot of other things you might find in your kitchen. However, as the purpose of these spells becomes more evil, the ingredients will also become weirder, like blood and rats’ tails.  

As already stated, the intentions of spells vary. It could be something simple like attracting love or receiving career achievements. Or, it could be something more evil like amassing unlimited health, destroying someone else’s family or business, or even worse, fatally harming someone. So, there must be something to counter those, right? The first thing that would come to everyone’s mind when talking about a countermeasure is prayer, no matter the religion you follow. But, can prayer really protect you from the evil effects of witchcraft?   

How Do Witch Spells Affect A Person?

Now that you know the basics, let’s get into more detail about different kinds of witch spells that you might find interesting and how they affect a person. 

  • Freezer spell: Freezer spells are meant to freeze out people you don’t like. It could be your enemies in business, work, ex-partner, or anyone else who has ever wronged you. This spell prevents the person from moving against you by freezing the energy around them. 
  • Money spell: Obviously, a money spell is practiced to attract wealth. Depending on how much money you wish to attract, the extent and the complexity of the spell changes, with amassing unlimited wealth requiring more intense practices.
  • Binding spell: Binding spells are of two different types. It could be either to bind an enemy in place or to bind two people together to lead them toward the same destiny. With binding spells, the witch asks the forces of the universe, water, earth, air, and the wind to conspire with her. 
  • Braid spell: This is the kind of spell that lets the witch hold the power in a braid. The witch sets their intention for that day as she braids it, visualizing it with each weave.
  • Voodoo: Voodoo is entirely evil and involves a doll and pins. The witch pins the different parts of the voodoo doll based on their intentions. Pinning it on the head can influence the thoughts of the intended person while a pin on the eyes can make them blind, literally or figuratively.  

Although a few of these spells target other individuals, posing a threat to their lives or things as important as life itself, not all kinds of spells are meant to harm others. Some of them only work to benefit the person who practices it and will not affect anyone else. Either way, the effects will be evil and cost both parties beyond their expectations.    

Stopping Witch Spells With Prayer

The first thing you need to do to protect yourself from these spells is not to pray but to cut the people who practice witchcraft off your life. You also need to clean out objects from your living space that you might suspect are inhabited by evil spirits and demons. Prayer comes next.

So, is prayer the answer to your problems in such cases? Actually, it is. Prayers fill you with positive energy that can keep the evil spirits and the bad energy at bay. We were always taught that believing in god almighty and following His teachings destroys evil, all kinds of it. Although it might not have sounded so convincing at the time, it’s true. God does give you power over evil. 

 Before warding off the evil, the first step you need to follow is to do with binding and break the influence of witchcraft. The prayer for this goes like this: “Heavenly Father, I bow in worship and praise before you. I cover myself with the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ as my protection during this time of prayer.” then there are prayers against curses like “Lord Jesus, I am so grateful and humbled to be your child. And I am thankful that you continue to love, cherish, and protect me in this sometimes dark and scary world.” One of the prayers against witchcraft attacks that will keep you safe during difficult times is this: “We know that the enemy wouldn’t be fighting so hard against us if we weren’t making a difference for your kingdom. Remind us, today Lord, that the battle belongs to you, and whatever we are up against can be taken down in one fell swoop by your mighty hand.” 

So, if you sense any such attacks or spells cast against you, recite these prayers or one of the many prayers you would find when you open the Holy Book based on what you need at the moment.

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Witchcraft is a way of controlling things that are naturally not in anyone’s control, through supernatural powers acquired by a deal with the devil. Regardless of whether you believe in witchcraft or not, if someone puts a spell on you, it could affect your energy and different aspects of your life including family, relationships, career, and business. The only way to protect yourself from it? Pray to the Lord Almighty.

Witchcraft can be of many types based on who and what they target and the elements the process involves. It could be a money spell, braid spell, voodoo, binding spell, or something that could be fatal. The trick is to find the right prayer that is meant to take care of the impact created by a particular spell, on your life. After all, there is nothing that’s beyond the power of God, is there?   

Read More: 10 Prayers For New House Blessing And Protection – A Spiritual Guide!

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Jasmine has over 8 years of professional experience providing insightful and compassionate cosmic readings. She has performed over 5000 personalized readings that provide spiritual guidance and life coaching tailored to each client's unique energies and life path. Jasmine pulls from both her strong intuitive abilities as well as extensive training in areas such as astrology, tarot, psychic development, spirit communication and life coaching. She is a certified member of both the American Tarot Association and the International Coaching Federation. She also teaches workshops on topics including understanding your soul's origins, clearing past life karma, divine partnerships, and more.

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